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Boosting sales by 10%
Vodafone used Adthena to optimize the Samsung S22 launch. Combining Adthena’s Strategic Insights with Google data, they maintained a flexible strategy leveraging manual and automated bidding.
Saving 32% on brand
Avanti used Adthena’s Lone Ranger report to identify significant savings on brand terms. By reallocating the budget to new terms identified by Adthena, they increased revenue and market share.
Lowering CPCs 75% in 5 days
Sage used Adthena to automatically police brand bidding problems and renegotiate agreements with partners. Sage saw a 75% decrease in CPCs for brand terms in just 5 days, and a 33% decrease in partner impression share.
Adthena validates my hypotheses with the data and shows the bigger picture of what’s happening in my market. It also points out new trends I haven’t spotted yet and identifies what’s happening in the market landscape to help gain market share and search revenue.
Will RPerformance DirectorAtomic 212
Adthena gives me the data and knowledge I am missing in Google’s dashboard. The competitor data and insights gives me the knowledge I need to make informed decisions about my ad campaigns and strategies.
Steve MyersSenior Digital Marketing ManagerContinental Finance Company