27 June 2024, London – Adthena, a leading provider of search intelligence for enterprise brands, today announced a major update to Ask Arlo, a groundbreaking conversational AI tool designed to revolutionize the way marketers interact with and gain insights from their search data.

Effortless Exploration of Market Data for Faster, More-Informed Decisions

Version 1.0 was introduced in 2023 to help users navigate Adthena. Today’s 2.0 update leverages real-time GenAI to answer customers’ complex questions about their own search data and deliver instant, tailored responses and reports directly within the platform.

“Our real-time, conversational chatbot, Ask Arlo, is built using our own in-house technology that harnesses the latest generative AI to help customers see through vast search data trends and identify immediate actions to gain ROI in Google Ads.” says Paul Felby, Chief Technical Officer at Adthena. “This innovative tool represents a huge opportunity to unlock value for our customers at scale, enabling users at all levels to make data-driven decisions with unprecedented efficiency.” 

Powered by Unmatched Data and Cutting-Edge Technology

  • Unique Data Advantage: Adthena’s unparalleled, proprietary data set provides Ask Arlo with a unique and comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape. Arlo can answer complex questions about market share, competitor performance, ad copy and insights across all markets.
  • Intuitive Conversational Interface: Receive clear, concise answers and summarize data for quick understanding or delve deeper into specific areas.
  • Instantaneous Insights: Eliminate time wasted on generating and interpreting reports. With analysis time reduced from weeks to seconds, customers can focus their time on strategic action. 
  • Visual Clarity: Gain a deeper understanding of complex data with easy-to-understand, bespoke charts and graphs.
  • Streamlined Efficiency: Reduce reliance on customer support to keep marketing campaigns optimized. Troubleshoot issues or identify areas for improvement instantly.

“The search landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and many enterprise advertisers feel they’re operating in the dark with a lack of transparency from Google.” says Phillip Thune, CEO of Adthena. “Ask Arlo empowers users to unlock valuable performance and strategic insights directly within their search data – instantly. Alpha customers are raving about its ability to simplify complex data analysis and deliver actionable recommendations in seconds.”

Read more about Ask Arlo here

About Adthena 

Founded in 2012, Adthena is a multi-award-winning search intelligence platform that leverages artificial intelligence to empower global brands, marketers, and agencies to navigate the complexities of digital advertising and dominate their competitive landscapes.  

Our patented, AI-driven Whole Market View™ technology provides our enterprise customers with a clear view of the paid search landscape. Leveraging 12 years of search intelligence data, our custom-built AI learning models collect data daily and generate actionable insights on market trends and shifts. It’s this cutting-edge technology, combined with a world-class team of experts, that enables customers to save time, optimize spend, and increase ROI in Google Ads.

Adthena’s future-focused product road map is committed to AI innovation and data enhancements that deliver continual improvement for our customers.

About Arlo

Arlo has deep roots in Adthena’s brand history. Adthena takes its name from the Greek goddess of wisdom (Athena), who had a wise and knowledgeable little owl as a sidekick. Adthena’s Arlo is a friendly, machine-learning owl full of artificial intelligence and wise words to help customers analyse their search data in the blink of an eye. 

For more information, visit: www.adthena.com. Contact: marketing@adthena.com