Do you understand your share of clicks vs competitors, which competitors ads are driving clicks, or which search terms competitors are appearing on that you are not? This level of insight isn’t available in Google’s Auction Insights. Without manually monitoring the SERP, you could be missing out on your competitors PPC keywords and valuable opportunities. 

Adthena goes beyond what you see in Google. And here’s a simple example of how.

Understand competitor trends for specific search term groups

Imagine this, you’re a UK based bank called The UK Bank, and are bidding on the search group “Travel Money”. Within the Adthena Market Trends report (below), you see that the performance for Tesco Bank has increased significantly in the past week, and you want to understand what has caused this.  

Adthena Market Trends report shows a increase in click share for Tesco Bank

What is the Adthena Market Trends Report?

With Market Trends, you can easily see how your top 10 competitors have trended (or behaved) over time, allowing you to understand what is changing across the different areas you compete in. 

Learn more about Market Trends.

Understand competitors share of clicks 

You now want to dig into this further and understand how the share of clicks for Tesco Bank has changed during this time period. 

Using Adthena’s Market Movement report (below), you see that their share of clicks is up 9.4% for that specific search term group.

Adthena’s Market Movement report shows competitor share of click movement.

What is the Adthena Market Movement report?

Market Movements report, a feature within Adthena’s Smart Monitor solution, monitors competitor share of click movements over 14 days, across all your search term groups.

See which ads are performing well for competitors

Now that you know Tesco Bank has increased their click share, the next step is to see which ads performed well for them.

Using Adthena Top Ads (below), we see that four of Tesco Bank top five performing ads include “0% commission on currencies” within the messaging, and reached position 1.2 on the SERP.

Adthena’s Top Ads report shows when you or competitor searched for any of your search terms.

What is Adthena Top Ads?

Adthena Tops Ads shows paid desktop and mobile adverts that have been shown by you and your competitors when searched for any of your search terms.

See which terms competitors are appearing on that you are not

Within Adthena’s Head to Head Comparison (below), you see that there are 20 related search terms. Tesco Bank appears for all of them. The UK Bank however, only appears on 12 of those 20. 

Within Adthena Head to Head Comparison, you can compare up to three competitors to determine the total percentage of shared Search Terms.

What is Adthena Head to Head Comparison?

Within Head to Head Comparison, you can compare up to three competitors to determine the total percentage of shared Search Terms.

View search term opportunities

Since Tesco Bank is appearing on all search terms, at this stage it is key to understand which search terms The UK Bank are not appearing for.

Using Adthena Search Term Detail, you can view which related search terms Tesco Bank appears for that you do not, as well as their average click volume and CPC.

Adthena Search Term Detail lets you see which terms have the most competitors appearing on them

What is Adthena Search Term Detail?

Search Term Detail lets you see which terms have the most competitors appearing on them, as well as the volume potential and estimated cost. You can then determine whether to include these search terms within your existing campaigns.

Get the competitive intelligence you need to win

Staying ahead of the competition requires constant vigilance. But manually monitoring the SERP is a time-consuming and inefficient approach.

Adthena empowers you to see every competitor move across the entire finance search landscape, from trending strategies to top-performing ad copy. With features like Market Trends, Market Movements, and Top Ads, you gain a comprehensive understanding of your competitor landscape.

Don’t settle for partial insights. Adthena equips you with the intelligence you need to craft winning PPC campaigns and dominate your market share.

See Adthena in action. Book a personalized demo.