The Challenge
Volkswagen partnered with its agency, PHD, and Adthena to monitor competitors and protect its leadership position. As they expanded their vehicle offering, the company wanted to expand coverage by reallocating budget from brand to generic terms.
However, the automaker was losing customers at the bottom of the funnel – customers with the highest likelihood to convert. What happened next could have been a disaster if Volkswagen’s agency hadn’t been using Adthena’s market intelligence to inform their strategies.
The Solution
Thanks to Adthena’s Smart Monitor, PHD was immediately alerted to Volkswagen’s sudden drop in market share. With Adthena’s Whole Market View technology, PHD had the evidence to show Volkswagen the causes of market decline and validate strategic action. Adthena showed exactly which dealers and affiliates were bidding on Volkswagen’s terms, providing a clear roadmap to recapture lower-funnel performance.
Without Adthena’s market intelligence, Volkswagen might have gone months without realizing what happened and why. Instead, PHD quickly adopted a new strategy that closed the sales loop and still drove new business.
As a direct result, Volkswagen saw a remarkable 13% increase in conversions and a 30% decrease in cost per acquisition (CPA) across their total brand campaigns, turning a potential loss into a significant gain.
“Adthena is far more than just a data tool. It’s an insight platform that has revealed countless opportunities to improve our accounts. By using Adthena, we can identify where competitors are encroaching on our market, and quickly take action.
At the end of the day, Adthena enables us to make strategic recommendations that help move the needle for our clients in a very important way.”