Campaign Optimization

Discover strategic insights

PPC Campaign Optimization

Get the full picture of how your search campaigns are performing. Identify competitive gaps, take advantage of new opportunities, and optimize your ads.

Join our customer base in seeing 4% sales funnel uplift with Campaign Optimization.

Lighting the way for your search strategy

Maximize campaign impact, identify unique growth opportunities, and boost overall ROI with proactive competitor monitoring and precise analytics of your ads.

Get competitive clarity at scale
Discover daily market opportunities
Reduce campaign costs and expand coverage
Navigate turbulent markets and competitor moves
Loved by brands, marketers, and agencies

Create compellingly clickable campaigns

Our AI-driven platform provides market-wide visibility across your competitive landscape so you can analyze, benchmark, and optimize every element of your ads.

Never miss an opportunity

Optimize your campaign with the power of AI and guided analytics

Monitor market conditions and forecast performance
Exploit competitive gaps with unrivaled data clarity
Uncover valuable new search terms. Or ones you’re missing
Discover new insights with AI-driven segmentation

Adthena’s level of keyword and competitor data granularity cannot be found elsewhere. We now reach more of our client’s objectives, helping them win in their competitive landscape.

Maddie Thomson Account Director, Greenlight Digital

Solutions for digital marketers